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Is sugar bad for people with Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis?

"Sugar" word is written in sugar surrounded by many candies

Is sugar bad for the human body? If you over-consume it, yes! Absolutely! Refined sugar in candy and soda is easy to step away from. BEFORE you buy a product, read the ingredients list! If the first ingredient is sugar, stay away from the product. However, if you're out with friends for dinner, I think you can accept that certain foods contain sugar. Many great documentaries show the dangers of sugar. Watch them and realize too much sugar is bad for you.

Let's also define sugar. If you eat an apple and feel good from it, it's all good, I would say. But if you drink apple juice, you're getting blood sugar spikes that are not good for you.

Reduce sugar as much as you can. One good rule is to read the ingredient list of everything you're buying. Make it a habit. If the first ingredient is sugar, stay away from it.

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