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If you or anyone you know are fighting Crohn’s disease or ulcerous colitis, type in your email to get tips, recommendations, and the latest relevant scientific research explained easily

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Things I I can do to lower inflammation.

A man holds his stomach suffering from strong stomachache

Learn what you can do to reduce or lower stomach inflammation caused by Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis. There are many things you can do to lower inflammation. In this blog post,, you can find more information on how to think regarding your disease. It's not just one thing that does it. It's not black and white. There are many variables that you should take into consideration. Diet, absolutely. Lifestyle. Yes. Sleep. Of course. In each of these departments, you have A LOT to improve. 

Here's a list of what I think you should do.

  • Stop eating/drinking dairy
  • Stop eating gluten
  • Stop eating fast. Eat consciously. Chew your food properly and help your stomach.
  • Take the probiotic VSL3 every day in a smoothie
  • Drink a green smoothie a day. Here's the recipe.
  • Eat fibers, but introduce them SLOWLY into your diet.
  • Stop stressing. Prioritize your wellbeing 
  • FAST. So important. Go more extended periods without food. 
  • Stay away from deep-fried food
  • Make sure you sleep ok
  • Try to feel good, stay relaxed, and feel good
  • Try to reduce your sugar intake
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