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If you or anyone you know are fighting Crohn’s disease or ulcerous colitis, type in your email to get tips, recommendations, and the latest relevant scientific research explained easily

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What are the five things I absolutely shouldn't do if I have Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis?

A jogging smiling young man running in the park

Know the top things you must no do when you got diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

  • Live well. Don't stress. If you're in a bad relationship or hate your job, GET OUT. You must move away from things that make you feel bad in life.
  • Diet. Don't eat bad things. Here is a list of things you shouldn't eat. Don't eat too much or too often. Don't eat too fast. Be mindful about what you eat, how you eat, and how often you eat. If you listen to your body, you will know.
  • DO NOT SMOKE! For the love of god. Do not smoke!
  • Not resting. Sleep is so vital. You need your sleep. Here is a link on what you can do to improve your sleep
  • Sitting still. You don't want to just sit still all day. Working out, sweating, and moving has tremendous health benefits.
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