6 Tips for a Calmer, Healthier Life

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Here are my six bes advice for a calmer life. If your stomach isn't well, most likely you need to have a calmer life, a be more stoic and relaxed.You need to let go of anger and try to be at peace with the world.
1. Have empathy for others.
When you have empathy for others, you will become a more tolerant person. Something that makes you angry could be turned into understanding and even compassion. What is empathy vs. sympathy? Here is a video I like that describes the difference in an understandable way.
2. Healthy relationships.
This Harvard study which is one of the most extended study ever made on health and longevity, suggests that happy, healthy relationships are correlated with longevity.
If you don’t want to read about it, you can listen to this Ted talk, happiness is in my opinion, and others like Dr. Peter Attia and many others, a significant factor in your health. Being loving, have understanding for people, be compassionate, have empathy, not being selfish, and nurturing the relationships you have IS IMPORTANT.
Remove people you don’t want in your life. Even family members? Listen, if your sister or brother makes you feel bad, causes anxiety, stresses and worries you, if he brings terrible energy into your life… Maybe you should consider not having him in your life. At least have a serious thought about how much he should be in your life.
3. Workout.
It matters and is so incredibly important for many reasons. How do you feel when you’re exhausted after a good workout? Calm, relaxed, at ease, right? You sleep better. Cardio is incredibly important as well. Yoga, Yoga Nidra, meditation, breathing exercises. Does it sound like mumbo jumbo? Scientific research seems to agree with me.
4. Study Zen, Tao, and Buddhism to understand different perspectives and how everything relates to each other. We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are! Have an approach to life where things don’t get to you, no matter what happens, you ease through it without taking too much damage.
5. Sleep. I will also add resting here. Put sleep high on your priority list. Do you need to answer an email late in the evening? Will it get you worked up? Do you really need the blue light in the evening?
6. Don’t let unwanted anger control your life. Get to the bottom of where the anger is actually coming from. I used to get angry in the mornings. It was triggered by hunger, stress from getting ready, my daughter’s tantrums, and sleep deprivation. I started to go to a psychiatrist. It took us a while, but eventually, we figured out that because of events in my childhood, I never allowed myself to be sad. Turning my sadness into anger was something that worked for me when I was young, and that condition and pattern of behaviour stayed with me until I discovered it. Now when I get angry, I ask myself what the real reason is. Most often, I realize I’m actually sad or hurt. It’s my coping strategy.
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