IBD, Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis - Get Out of a Bad Life Situation
If you or anyone you know are fighting Crohn’s disease or ulcerous colitis, type in your email to get tips, recommendations, and the latest relevant scientific research explained easily
People with Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, and any other disease for that matter, want a quick fix, an easy way out, a pill to make everything go back to a pain-free state. I don't know how often people get better from IBD medicines like Humira, Azathioprine, Remicade, etc. I know plenty who try the medicine and still find themselves in pain. I am convinced most people can get rid of their problems if they change their lifestyle and diet. An unhealthy diet, a stressful situation at work, anxiety, worry, and a wrong life partner will soon force your body to try to speak to you, urging you that changes need to happen.
During those two years when I was sick, it's important to mention that I was in a very unhealthy relationship. A lot of my stress, anger, and anxiety were due to the relationship I was in.
I didn't dare to break up with her even though I wanted to, but luckily for me (I think this saved my life), she broke up with me!
I will never forget it because it was the best day of my life. It was the first warm spring day. The sun was shining. I felt excited to be alive and had so much to look forward to. I knew how it felt to be sick, so I promised myself I would appreciate every day I was healthy and pain-free.
I was happy for the first time in years.
The most important lesson I take with me is that I want to share with anyone with Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis. I know it's not easy, but do your best to prioritize your happiness/well-being. Be kind to yourself and ensure you're mentally in a good place.
Be your own best friend. We're so often critical of ourselves. We punish ourselves for mistakes, push ourselves, and demand ourselves as though we have no love for ourselves.
I remember when I first met my wife. I wanted to become a master of making her feel great in every way possible: how to make her happy when she was sad, know what she liked to eat, and enjoyed doing, how to get her relaxed, what music and movies she enjoyed, how I could touch to excite her. I wanted to be an expert in making her feel good. Now turn that love towards yourself!
Treat yourself like the one you love the most. That's how you should be towards yourself! You need to become an expert in what makes YOU feel awesome. You should want to be your own best friend, lover, hero, and admirer. You want to make yourself smile and feel bliss, just like you do when you love someone.
Are you in a bad relationship like I was? Take a deep and thorough look inside to see if you're with someone you should be with.
Are you unhappy with your work? Do something about it. If you don't like some of your friends, don't let them take your energy, or even worse, give you bad energy. It's time you start treating yourself like the one you love the most.
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