Prioritize Your Well-Being in your fight against Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis

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I asked a friend once, “what are you after in life? If I had a magic wand and could grant you any wish. What would you ask for?”
He answered, “I want to know everything about topic X.”
I can’t remember what the topic was. I asked him, “Why.”
He replied, “Because I can have the job I want.”
“And why do you want that job?” I asked.
“Because if I have that job, I can do the things I want.”
“And why do you want to do the things you want to do?”
He thought about it for a while and replied, “Because it would make me happy, I would feel I’m doing something meaningful.”
So what he wanted was to feel happy and nurture his well-being. But that’s not what he asked for. He asked for something that could possibly, down the line, maybe enhance his well-being.
In my opinion, you should prioritize your well-being. That comes first. Once that is taken care of, and you’re on the right path, once you’re in harmony, enjoying life, enjoying being you, when your health is where it should be, everything else will follow.
Do not sacrifice your well-being for an abstract idea. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go for dreams and go after the things you want in life. I’m saying that your primary purpose in life, your goal and number one priority, should be your well-being and health.
Prioritizing to be healthy, in a good mental place, feel good, find harmony, be relaxed. This is perhaps my number one piece of advice, before all the dietary changes I want you to do, I want you to really tune in with your body, align your desires and wholeheartedly set your goals to being healthy. And trust me, no matter what you want to achieve in life, it will help being healthy.
One of the most renowned health experts today, Peter Attia, agrees with me. Listen to what he says in this podcast with Andrew Huberman. I referred to this in another blog article, but it's so important that I'll reference it again.
Peter Attia says at 12:50 in this podcast with Andrew Huberman regarding the most important markers and tests you can take.
"The emotional piece might be the single most important piece, without which none of this other stuff matters. If you're a totally miserable human being, your relationship sucks. I don't think any of the other stuff matters."
12:50 into this video, Peter Attia says something I think is absolutely fundemental, key.
Here's another video, Naval Ravikant speaking about what to desire in life. Naval is a wise. successful, intelligent human being. In this video he shares the same ideas I'm talking about in this blog post.
Being able to relax completely is KEY. Unwind, let the stress go, and loosen the muscles.
There are many different Yoga Nidra videos on Youtube.
Every time I listen to a Yoga Nidra, I feel I’m almost falling asleep, but not entirely. I’m in dreamland just before sleep. I am RELAXED.
When you feel tired and need to work, forget the sugar and caffeine; try this. This video is twenty minutes. It will invigorate you in a healthy natural way. Put your headphones on and allow yourself to take twenty minutes off.
Start understanding yourself today. Become your own best friend. Take care of yourself NOW!
When we are sick, ill, or hurting, we only have one wish: to get better. And yet, even if that's our wish, we still don't prioritize our wellbeing. Or at least we don't act like it. Taking care of our mental and physical health should be our number 1 priority, the highest aim, biggest concern. But most of us are more concerned about other things. Most people take their health for granted. They find it annoying they're sick, as though their bodies aren't being compliant. Prioritize taking care of your physical and mental health. Once you're pain-free, feel strong, and are in a good mental place, everything else will follow.
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