
If you or anyone you know are fighting Crohn’s disease or ulcerous colitis, type in your email to get tips, recommendations, and the latest relevant scientific research explained easily
THE most important lesson I want to share with anyone who has Crohn’s disease is to prioritise your wellbeing. I know it's not easy, but do your absolute best to prioritise your happiness/wellbeing. Be kind to yourself and ensure you're mentally in a good place.
Be your own best friend. We're often self-critical, push, demand and punish ourselves for mistakes as though we have no self-love.
I remember when I first met my wife. I wanted to become a master of making her feel great in every way possible: how to make her happy when she was sad, know what she liked to eat, what she enjoyed doing, how to get her relaxed, what music and movies she enjoyed, how I could touch to excite her. I wanted to be an expert in making her feel good. Now turn that love towards yourself!
That's how you should be towards yourself! You need to become an expert in what makes YOU feel awesome. You should want to be your own best friend, your own lover, hero, or admirer. You want to be able to make yourself smile and feel bliss, just like you do when you love someone, the one.
Are you in a bad relationship? Take a deep and thorough look inside to see if the person you're with is someone you should really be with.
Are you unhappy with your work? Do something about it.
If you don't like some of your friends, don't let them take your energy, or even worse, give you bad energy. It’s time you start treating yourself like the one you love the most.
This is what Peter Attia says 12:50 in this podcast, with Andrew Huberman regarding the most important markers and tests you can take to see how healthy you are. I think Peter Attia nails it here. I know I already wrote about this in another blog posts, but it is so important that I will share the clip again. 12:50 into the video.
"The emotional piece might be the single most important piece, without which non of this other stuff matters. If you’re a totally miserable human being, your relationship suck, I don’t think any of the other stuff matters.
Unwind, let the stress go, and loosen the muscles.
There are many different Yoga Nidra videos on Youtube. This one is my absolute favorite. Every time I listen to it, I feel I’m almost falling asleep, but not entirely. I’m in dreamland just before sleep. I am RELAXED.
When you feel tired and need to work, forget the sugar, forget the caffeine; try this. This video is twenty minutes. It will invigorate you in a healthy natural way. Put your headphones on and allow yourself to take twenty minutes off.
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