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If you or anyone you know are fighting Crohn’s disease or ulcerous colitis, type in your email to get tips, recommendations, and the latest relevant scientific research explained easily

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A platform to help you battle Crohn's disease

On this platform, we're building, and sharing, the best resources, tools and insights in order to help you battle Crohn's disease and lower inflammation.
Smiling Nima Koucheki with the river on the background

My story and why it's relevant to your Crohn's disease and Ulcerous colitis

In 2012, I suffered from a severe case of Crohn's disease. I was in tremendous pain for two years. Today I have been more or less pain-free for eight years. The data from my blood and stool samples show how my health is improving year after year.

What I needed back then was to meet today's version of myself. I now know exactly how I would have guided myself. And that's why I started this blog. If you or anyone you know has Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis, write me, and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
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A woman doing meditation and sitting in lotus pose on brown parquetA beautiful old tree
Nima's nutrition schema and sleep recommendations changed my life. I feel much more in control of my situation right now

Pirre Pellinen

CEO, building company

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